“The vibration sweeps along, touching with its swift wing (simultaneously ) the whole universe, and the germ that dwelleth in darkness: the darkness that breathes (moves) over the slumbering waters of life.”
H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, 1888.
Z wan, in the vulgar guise of a woman. Smooth skin grazed by a glorious winged rush. OMG. Sudden blow. Slits open. O joyful spermatozoal fantasy! Neck erect, the Coiled Feathered-headed Serpent dips into her pale gravy. Hard beak for a wan chick. Wave upon wave upon wave, slithering thrusts and loosening thighs. Eggs hatching. Two born of soil, two of the downy heavens, pecking at the delicate shell. An assemblage of sorts. An idolatrous ode to feathers, to multiforms masked in mysterious mimicry. Z wan, the enamored critter, inseminator of the Cosmic Egg. O Earthlings’ Hotbed! Ornithological wet dreams nestled in rounded shells. Forever eggborn oddkin rubbing against the soft feathered limb.
Z WAN [wall text], 2016. SMK—National Gallery of Denmark.
“Vibrationen fejer af sted og berører med sin hurtige vinge (simultant) hele universet, og kimen der dvæler i mørke: Mørket som ånder (bevæger sig) hen over livets slumrende vande.”
H. P. Blavatsky, Den Hemmelige Lære, 1888.
Z wan, i en kvindes vulgære skikkelse. Glat hud snittes af et strålende bevinget sus. OMG. Pludseligt slag. Åbne spalter. Åh, lystige, spermatozole fantasi! Hals oprejst, den snoede, fjerprydshovedede slange dypper sig ned i hendes blanke saft. Hårdt næb til en bleg chick. Bølge efter bølge efter bølge, slyngede stød og løsnede lår. Æg udklækkes. To født af muld og to fra den dunede himmel, hakkende på den skrøbelige skal. En slags samling. En afgudsdyrkende ode til fjer, til maskerede multiformer i mystisk maskerade. Z wan, det forelskede væsen, inseminør af det Kosmiske Æg. Åh, Jordboernes Arnested! Ornitologiske våde drømme som putter sig i afrundede skaller. Evige ægfødte særartsfæller gnider sig mod det bløde fjerklædte lem.
Z WAN [vægtekst], 2016. SMK – Statens Museum for Kunst.
Through #PUSSY and H@t, theosophist Helena P. Blavatsky gives birth to her heir Annie Besant, who in turn gives birth to Niels Bohr, whose testicles spawn Angela Merkel…. That is the story of SPIN Φ, told through voice recordings from sessions of guided hypnosis known as DTI (Deep Trance Identification). In addition, the thought experiment manifests itself in a series of atomic sculptures, wool, photography, steel, and an anaglyph 3D film. Hallucinations and speculative fabulations form a web of births and rebirths, unfolding a trouble-some mix of science, politics, and esoteric doctrines.
“#Merkel_that_fantasises: … I think I should have been born a long time ago … I don’t feel I have anything to do with the stomach I’m inside… I was the one meant to give birth. It hardly matters that I should give birth to …I give birth to what I’m inside without being inside it. Okay, I’m not that keen on being here any more…”